jueves, 29 de abril de 2021


When I was a child my dream was mine engineering because one day I read an article in the newspaper about the salary  engineers got and I liked that profession because they had a very very Good salary.

I could apply to food engineering and chemistry degree because my PSU score was very low because I did not concentrate well during the test. I applied to food engineering  because I thought it would be more fun and the profession I thought I would have more jobs opportunities.

My experience at the university has been very very bad. I do not like online classes because I don’t understand and they generate a lot of anxiety.

In my future job I want to have a Good salary and be stable. I want to work managing a meat or agricultural industry. This is my dream….

3 comentarios:

  1. yes you are right about the online clasess itsn't good for the mental health

    1. Los chico hoy dia ocupan lasTarjetas de video para mejorar el desempeño de sus pc gamer a mas temprana edad, se hace imprescindible, que los padres tomen cartas en el asunto para que la tecnología no absorva su tiempo a tan temprana edad

  2. I agree with you, I hate online classes.


Post 8¡¡¡¡¡¡

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